waste-water-pipeBeetle Plastics fiberglass reinforced composite piping meets the AWWA C-950 and M-45 Specfications for waste water pressure pipe and ASTM D3262 FOR waste water gravity flow pipe in both above ground and buried applications. Beetle Plastics has been recognized as a leader in the fiberglass industry for many years. We have mandrels up to 14’ in diameter and 60’ in length. Long lengths results in fewer joints which help cut down on installation hours.

Fiberglass reinforced composite resin “fiberglass pipe” has several benefits over traditional
ductile iron, concrete, thermoplastics and vitrified clay systems:

  • It is lightweight and easy to handle compared to other materials.
  • It is known for its excellent chemical resistant in corrosive environments.
  • Fiberglass pipe benefits include high strength.
  • Fluid flow resistance is very low in Fiberglass pipe.
  • Fiberglass is known for long life and durability

Fiberglass pipe is lightweight compared to ductile iron, concrete and vitrified clay. It can be easily moved into place during installation. Fiberglass pipe can be made with many different types of resin to meet the particular corrosive environments needed. Fiberglass welded joints have long wear compared to vitrified clay and concrete which may crack and be susceptible to chemical attack. Another benefit is that fiberglass pipe has a high strength ratio compared to thermoplastics. Lastly it has a very low Hazen-Williams Coefficient compared to steel and concrete. In some applications pump size can be reduced which reduces power consumption with money savings in yearly operating costs.

When you need fiberglass piping for your waste water needs, call the company with the integrity and experience you appreciate and the ability to serve your needs right…the first time and every time.

Successful FRP applications can be found in many Industrial Water & Waste Water processes and plant areas including:

  • Ferric Chloride
  • Equalization
  • Heavy Metal
  • Sludge Storage
  • Clearwell Storage
  • Hydrogen Sulfide
  • Raw Water
  • Pure Water
  • Industrial Waste Water
  • Industrial Water
  • Flocculant
  • Oily Waste Water
  • Acid Waste Neutralization
  • Animal & Grease Rendering
  • Food Processing Waste
  • Cement Industry Waste Water
  • Aeration
  • Caustic Storage
  • Sulfur Dioxide Fumes
  • Acid Mist
  • Chlorides